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Photos below! Please right click to download your photo and share to social media!
I am aiming to capture a villages support, emotions and thoughts during lockdown to create a photography project to raise awareness of individuals struggles, hardships and success during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibstock.
I am a freelance photographer at Josh Reeve Photography but whilst work has taken a break it would be great to be able to help by using my expertise.
My plan is simple:
I will spend half an hour each day in the pony field located at the start of the Miners Way at the bottom of Grange Road in Ibstock voluntarily photographing individual people/families/kids/dogs or any other combinations as a quick socially distanced stop whilst they walk - the idea of the images will be to capture messages from people be it ‘stay safe, protect the NHS’ or something more personal to the situation such as ‘you can beat COVID-19 Grandma!’ - I would like these messages written up on either cardboard or paper in thick writing and decorated accordingly so they can be read clearly at a little bit of distance. So, we essentially have a COVID-19 inspired mini photo shoot with a message related to the times for as many people that show up in the time frame. I will aim to be uploading images daily and would like to get the people of Ibstock involved in the coming days. So spread the message that it’s a good walk, photo and charitable opportunity!
I will be located here every day between 11:00-11:30. Please take the time to come and share your message and please donate.
All donations will go directly to NHS Charities Together. Thank you.